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>All Natural Fertilizers

Certified Organic Fertilizers


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>Functions of Fertilizers
>Benefits of Our Fertilizers

Chito-Stick uses in house-plant.

All Natural Fertilizers

Can-Grow is derived from crustacean shell. It provides proper nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace of metal ions to satisfy plants requirements through natural microbial action. These gradually released nutrients will promote healthy plant growth. Besides, the fertilizer can serve as a natural pesticide which can eliminate nematode, moss and fungi (e.g. Fusarium, Colletrichum and Nocardia.)

Advantage & Rationale of
Can-Grow All Natural Fertilizer
The chitin ingredients stimulate the soil bacteria and plants that help eliminate nematodes and fungi
Increase the plant's defense against nematodes & fungi
Increase beneficial microbial activities in the root
Root mass increases and improves
on absorption of nutrients
Healthier and Stronger Plants

Fungus Defense Rationale
and Leaching Tests